hmm...i dont think so..but bf always say i'm cute...weeeee
2.Upload a fav pic of you
i like this picture course its seems like family photo's..wahaha..sorry yaya pinjam anak ko...(ngeee..lom pape dah verangan ade anaks kan...wakakaka)
pic taken with my first phone with camera and 3g, a present from this too..
wit my bestest friends...(dulu aku slalu rase tak best ngan peha aku sebab kecik..haaa amik..skang sume same besa..kecuali yaya over besaa..larikkkk...wahahaha)
last but not least...poyo's pic..wahahaaa.
3. Why do you like this picture?pic taken with my first phone with camera and 3g, a present from this too..
wit my bestest friends...
last but not least...poyo's pic..wahahaaa.
read the caption below the pic..thats why..weeeeee
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
hmm..dont realyy remember da lame tak makan pizza..
5. The last song you listen to?
Fall for u - secondhand serenade(my ringtone)
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Continue my work..donno y cannot delete the data from db..aiseh...need to wait sue first cause the document is wit her
7. What name u prefer besides yours?
putri aka fitri...kikiki..
donno y cause he put my name putri fitriah..sodap ke bunyiknye?...ngeee..
8. People to tag, siapakah yang bertuah itu...
1. Rebak (donno when his going to update his blog la..pakse die...wahahaha)
2. Cila
3. Yaya
4. Lan ->kalo da penah wat takyah eh..
5. Ciare->sorry tkde mangsa len..wwiwiwiwi
9. Who is no.1
my love, my baby, my next to be fiance, my next to be hubby...waaaaahaaa...lap u(sile jgn muntah)
10. No.3 is having relationship with?
alaa..abg jasin aka hapuz..husband n wife hokey
11. Say something about no.5
my bf punye opismate
12. How about no.4? coursemate...
13. Who is no.2
my bestest friend, my ex roomate, my listener, my shopping partner, my mengumpat partner...heheh.ape lg eh.
sleeping partner..lesbo partner..ahahaha
weh..cepat gila ko jwb tag nih..ahhaha..aku hampir tak pasan entry ni dh ada..dh tenggelam ngan post2 lain..huhu.. sungguh pantas !
sue->bese len aku wat kat umah...pastu auto publish jek..wahahaha
ciare->take ur time..:p
wahhhaaahah ko tgk gambo anak aku sememeh tu.. sian aisyah, tepek la gambo aisyah yg kiut sket..
note: aisyah tu anak saya, bukan anak fit.. kehkehkehkeh xrela diibumadukan.
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