Aku dikatakan perosak hubungan org lain..
Aku telah berubah menjadi seorg yg kejam?jahat?
Kenape aku rase ape yg aku buat tu btol?..sebab aku rase ape yg mereka buat tu salah...
Mmg aku ngaku aku pun buat salah..salah aku adalah menjadikan dia mangsa kemarahan aku..walaupun aku sygkan dia sbnrnye...
Mmg aku silap..tp, aku tatau katne aku nak luahkan perasaan aku...
Knape bnyk sgt pengacau dalam hidup aku...
Aku duduk bebaik kat cne...kenape nak jgk aku berperangai mcm org gile, marah2, buat sesuatu yg boleh bg efek kat korg?..
Tolonglah..aku tak kacau hidup korg..boleh tak korg jgn kacau hidup aku??..
Aku hanya mahukan kebahagian..aku nak hidup bahagia..aku pun tak suke marah2, sedih2 atau berdengki khianat, dendam kat korg. aku tau tu salah sume tu, tp kenape korg nak jgk aku bersikap mcm tu?..
Tp kenape korg buat aku mcm ne??...kenape??
Aku bukan batu, kayu, atau tembok atau mende tak bernyawa yg boleh duduk diam bile sesuatu yg tak btol dimataku berlaku..takan aku nak biarkan aje?..smpi bile nak tertipu?...dan biarkan org lain ditipu depan mata aku sendiri?..
Hatiku sakit, benar2 sakit...
p/s: post luahan hati, walaupun org dimaksudkan tak bace blog aku...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Hmm...tengkok aku sakit..tatau la...pasal silap tido ke ape..ne dah 3hari..susah nak gerakkan pale..
td borak ngan yaya..die kate
hidup dia penuh dengan kerisauan...
hmm...aku pon camtu...sgt risau..aku rase mcm otak aku tak berhenti berfikir..memacam aku pk..dan kebanyakkannye yg buruk..sebab tu aku tak berhenti risau.. ..tp aku tak risaukan diri aku...
Aku risaukan org lain...
Aku tak kisah ape jadik pade diri aku..
Tp aku risaukan ape yg berlaku pada org lain...
kenape aku camne..kenape?..
"Derita yang menjerat kapan akan berakhir...
Hanya engkau yg mampu taklukan hatiku..."
Terngiang2 lirik lagu tu difikiranku...
td borak ngan yaya..die kate
hidup dia penuh dengan kerisauan...
hmm...aku pon camtu...sgt risau..aku rase mcm otak aku tak berhenti berfikir..memacam aku pk..dan kebanyakkannye yg buruk..sebab tu aku tak berhenti risau.. ..tp aku tak risaukan diri aku...
Aku risaukan org lain...
Aku tak kisah ape jadik pade diri aku..
Tp aku risaukan ape yg berlaku pada org lain...
kenape aku camne..kenape?..
"Derita yang menjerat kapan akan berakhir...
Hanya engkau yg mampu taklukan hatiku..."
Terngiang2 lirik lagu tu difikiranku...
Ape maksud ayat ne ek,
korg tau tak?
kan ade lirik lagu hatiku luluh hancur bla2...
hmm...kire cam luruh ke?..
tp hatiku tak tenang ari ni...
korg tau tak?
kan ade lirik lagu hatiku luluh hancur bla2...
hmm...kire cam luruh ke?..
tp hatiku tak tenang ari ni...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Day out on saturday
Saturday, kuar lagi..adui..nape ade je mende yg tak ckp..huuu...ne pun lepas balik br teringt ade mende yg takde...tp ingt2 balik mest tak ckp tgn kalo beli mende tu..so kesimpulannye kene kuar lagik...
memule p carik langsir..
tgk muke penat cik abg kite..eh ne br first kedai tau..ade baaaanyak lg..hehehe..

ne takde keje namenye...ngeeee...p/s:cari mende tersembunyik...
pastu nak cari songkok n samping..tp terpesong lak ke lain..hoohoho..yea saye mmg slalu lost focus..

ke sini dulu yea..cari mungee...leh tahan la cantek2..tp harga pun cantek.ssf kat jalan tar..huhu
pastu cr samping n songkok..korg penah tak tgk samping harge Rm7500..
apekah?mahal nak mampos..hahaha...
aku hanye mampu yg paling murah..tp tu pon ratus2 gak regenye...huuuu
pastu p sayang you lakk...

aih tak reti la aku tgkp ganba lam cermin ne..tgk, mate p pandang hs lak...hohoho

yeaa...ne muke blakon sedey yea...kikiki..comey la tu konon...dush2..

alaa..cam sian lak..penat sgt eh by?..tgk mate dah lapis2 da..takpe2..sume dah lengkap(nak ajak p kedai len pon tak sampai ati..huuuu)..
aku tak rase penat..tp bile dah lengakp(agak lengkap sebab ade lg tak beli)..br aku rase penat..wahahahaa...da la pakai flat heels yg agak tinggi gak..sakit gak weh..huhu
tu cite ari sabtu...hehehe
memule p carik langsir..
tgk muke penat cik abg kite..eh ne br first kedai tau..ade baaaanyak lg..hehehe..
ne takde keje namenye...ngeeee...p/s:cari mende tersembunyik...
pastu nak cari songkok n samping..tp terpesong lak ke lain..hoohoho..yea saye mmg slalu lost focus..
ke sini dulu yea..cari mungee...leh tahan la cantek2..tp harga pun cantek.ssf kat jalan tar..huhu
pastu cr samping n songkok..korg penah tak tgk samping harge Rm7500..
apekah?mahal nak mampos..hahaha...
aku hanye mampu yg paling murah..tp tu pon ratus2 gak regenye...huuuu
pastu p sayang you lakk...
aih tak reti la aku tgkp ganba lam cermin ne..tgk, mate p pandang hs lak...hohoho
yeaa...ne muke blakon sedey yea...kikiki..comey la tu konon...dush2..
alaa..cam sian lak..penat sgt eh by?..tgk mate dah lapis2 da..takpe2..sume dah lengkap
aku tak rase penat..tp bile dah lengakp
tu cite ari sabtu...hehehe
KAbel laptop takde lam bag...mane nak cr sumber kuase...huuuu..kene pakai pc..mencik ar..sebab lems..pastu takde bluetooth..pastu tulisan tak lawo...
eceh...blagak siot..tp seyes terase sgt len..
lepas gune vista tetibe gune xp...
dr 3 g ram ke 512mb...waaaaa..jauhnyek beza..bos, tmbh ram lagik kat pc ne leh tak bos?..(ngee..mcm bos dgr)
eceh...blagak siot..tp seyes terase sgt len..
lepas gune vista tetibe gune xp...
dr 3 g ram ke 512mb...waaaaa..jauhnyek beza..bos, tmbh ram lagik kat pc ne leh tak bos?..
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tag by Sue
1.Do you think you are HOT?
hmm...i dont think so..but bf always say i'm cute...weeeee(pasan jap)
2.Upload a fav pic of you
read the caption below the pic..thats why..weeeeee
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
hmm..dont realyy remember la..eh da lame tak makan pizza..
5. The last song you listen to?
Fall for u - secondhand serenade(my ringtone)
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Continue my work..donno y cannot delete the data from db..aiseh...need to wait sue first cause the document is wit her
7. What name u prefer besides yours?
putri aka fitri...kikiki..
donno y cause he put my name putri fitriah..sodap ke bunyiknye?...ngeee..
8. People to tag, siapakah yang bertuah itu...
1. Rebak (donno when his going to update his blog la..pakse die...wahahaha)
2. Cila
3. Yaya
4. Lan ->kalo da penah wat takyah eh..
5. Ciare->sorry tkde mangsa len..wwiwiwiwi
9. Who is no.1
my love, my baby, my next to be fiance, my next to be hubby...waaaaahaaa...lap u(sile jgn muntah)
10. No.3 is having relationship with?
alaa..abg jasin aka hapuz..husband n wife hokey
11. Say something about no.5
my bf punye opismate
12. How about no.4?
hmm..my coursemate...
13. Who is no.2
my bestest friend, my ex roomate, my listener, my shopping partner, my mengumpat partner...heheh.ape lg eh.
hmm...i dont think so..but bf always say i'm cute...weeeee
2.Upload a fav pic of you
i like this picture course its seems like family photo's..wahaha..sorry yaya pinjam anak ko...(ngeee..lom pape dah verangan ade anaks kan...wakakaka)

pic taken with my first phone with camera and 3g, a present from him...ngee...like this too..

wit my bestest friends...(dulu aku slalu rase tak best ngan peha aku sebab kecik..haaa amik..skang sume same besa..kecuali yaya over besaa..larikkkk...wahahaha)

last but not least...poyo's pic..wahahaaa.
3. Why do you like this picture?
pic taken with my first phone with camera and 3g, a present from him...ngee...like this too..
wit my bestest friends...
last but not least...poyo's pic..wahahaaa.
read the caption below the pic..thats why..weeeeee
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
hmm..dont realyy remember la..eh da lame tak makan pizza..
5. The last song you listen to?
Fall for u - secondhand serenade(my ringtone)
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Continue my work..donno y cannot delete the data from db..aiseh...need to wait sue first cause the document is wit her
7. What name u prefer besides yours?
putri aka fitri...kikiki..
donno y cause he put my name putri fitriah..sodap ke bunyiknye?...ngeee..
8. People to tag, siapakah yang bertuah itu...
1. Rebak (donno when his going to update his blog la..pakse die...wahahaha)
2. Cila
3. Yaya
4. Lan ->kalo da penah wat takyah eh..
5. Ciare->sorry tkde mangsa len..wwiwiwiwi
9. Who is no.1
my love, my baby, my next to be fiance, my next to be hubby...waaaaahaaa...lap u(sile jgn muntah)
10. No.3 is having relationship with?
alaa..abg jasin aka hapuz..husband n wife hokey
11. Say something about no.5
my bf punye opismate
12. How about no.4?
hmm..my coursemate...
13. Who is no.2
my bestest friend, my ex roomate, my listener, my shopping partner, my mengumpat partner...heheh.ape lg eh.
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