Sebona eh..acik tak dapek BONUS tu yg meroyan tu..first batch dpt..xtau la polisi baru ke ape..make nyah la kamu fareeda dan coach sile dok jauh2 jgn tunjuk muka kat cne kalau tak aku suda..
Tp kan, 2 bende tu mmg la takde pon keperluan sofea kene jgk lengkapkan..ingtkan dpt bonus nak beli suppliment yg beratus2 regenye tu..mane tau kot la berkesan kat sofea..leh jg sembuhkan sofea dan jg kesihatan omak eh jgk kan.dr makan ubat yg mcm xde kaitan dgn penyakit n tak tau kesannye dikemudian entah la..Allah ade perancanganNya tersendiri..pasrah itu menyerah je la..hehehe..
Sbnrnye penah dah google sane sini pasal suppliment ne..n jgn tak tau..siap ade group pasal eczema kat fb n makin lama ahlinya makin bertambah..tq to Farah Rahim..=) and also meet some friends there..seriously, hanya ibu2 yg anaknya kene atau pernah kene eczema je yg faham perasaan ibu yg lain..and its make us more closed..we share how we stay up at night, how our child scratch himself/herself until bleeds, and all the product tested and which is okey which is not..and nowadays, we as a mom takkan pakai je mane2 first, xpon tanye doc..esp kalau ada steroid..n kalau boleh semua perlu organik based..
Currently i met a new friend..Anicia D Mogunsal
Shes so friendly and very informative..and also her poor baby making her as my idol.;)...if nak banding dgn sofea, 5% je kot..(tu pon aku dah bagai nak gila diwaktu malam..hakhak..)..ur are very strong mom la dear..Seriously bila jumpe org yg sgt supportive rase semangat sgt nak cr cure nak kasi anak baik..
Already listed benda2 yg berkemungkinan nak masih buat reasearch lg mane yg the best..
Currently baby ethan is taking olivenol and lactoGG..n good improvement..taking that into consideration..okey kedua2nye bukanlah japg nak g cocok 18 bulan lagi, jumpe paed alergist lg..lalalaaaaa...$$$$$$$ terbanggggg...
baby ethan, picture of his improvement after consume LactoGG and olivenol...and also bnyk lg mende lain yg take into consideration (scratchsleeves, guava leaves bath,wet wrap, laundry ball and many more..fuh really a lot of effort.. )
Anyway, sesiapa yang nak dptkan info and so on boleh like page ne yea.. ..all the info about baby ethan dpt dr sana..hopefully betul yea, correct me if im wrong ya Anicia D Mogunsal ..=)
okey, dibawah adelah dlm list ape yg nak/mungkin akan masih pikir2 lagi..
Suppliment -
olivenol(xtau rege lg..)
LactoGG(rege dlm 180-200 kot?)
Melilea Organik (dlm 200++ jgk rasanya)
Kington(ELKEN rege dlm 300++ kot..T__T tp ade review yg ckp tak memberi kesan)
Qv cream moisturizer(skrg mmg pakai yg ne dan hampir habes..T__T)
Buds Organic Baby?(New product on eczema still tgh cr review lg)
Melilea Wash? - organic and free SLS?
Eubos bath oil?
(currently sofea pakai sebamed tp nmpk mcm buat kulit die lagi kering..before cethaphil..dah 2 botol beso tp same je tak berubah..)
okey sikalang sudah pining..hahaha..
ade tak org nak kasi free semua diatas..lalalalaaa..
lagi satu kene menambah kerajinan utk tuka n basuh alas tmpt tido setiap perfume..tuka sabun basuh khas utk sensitif skin..kerapkan lg sapu moisturizer...okey, paham kenapekah entry ne muncul?..sebab dah 2 malam sofea mula menggaru kembali dgn masih terkawal..jadi fitriah sile rajin..rajinnnnn...T___T
saya sokong!!! silalah rajin yeee...papa main game jap, antara hidup dan mati nehhh...huhu
ceh..tu je la keje papa ko copea..mama jgk yg gigih kan..lepas tu kang mama jgk yg kene dipersalahkan..yeay..
mustilah...mama mintak tolong dikala tengah genting, dikala nyawa hero malaya ini dah tinggal ckit =p
Antara ubat2 yg ko list kt atas tu, mn yg ko rase ko paling nk beli?
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